Claire Taijung Kuo

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About me

I'm currently a fifth-year Materials Science Ph.D. student at Caltech.

Learning has always been something I love. When some people struggled with school, I loved it. During summer breaks, I've always tried to learn something new. I learned drawing, pottery, taekwondo, roller skating, Matlab, LateX, Python...etc. Some with more success than others. I didn't learn because I need to, but because I love to.

Learning teaches me something about how the world around me works. That's my passion — the need to know and understand. I found problem-solving and applying science in everyday life rewarding. To succeed or to fail confirms or disproves my working theories and gets me just a little bit closer to the truth.

This passion pointed me in the direction of science throughout my life — the science clubs, the innovator competition, the science fairs...It helped me perform well in fields of science and engineering and directed me to a doctoral degree at Caltech, where I can learn and do research among the best.